SPACE Trailers
Website Redesign // Shopify Replatform
Redesigned website design with a heavy focus on mobile usability. The new Shopify website was compiled with hours of research, testing, and data-driven patterns to enhance a streamlined user-experience to help the customer feel secure in building their own custom SPACE Trailer, while simultaneously educating them on every aspect of that trailer for a custom-tailored experience.
Disclaimer: This project was completed during my time at OutdoorECOM (full disclosure of credits at bottom of page).

Big Purchases = Big Decisions
(eye squink) “what’s A trailer hitch?”
Most don’t drop $4-5k on a whim, they need security and affirmation on their big ticket purchases. SPACE Trailers needed a surefire method of not only educating customers, but walking them step-by-step through the process of building a custom trailer.
Beginning stages consisted of trekking my way through the entire purchase process with absolutely ZERO general trailer knowledge (a girls dream topic of choice, lol). I took that experience and researched options for creating a concept that simplified the user experience, visually walking the user through the entire process of building a custom SPACE Trailer by themselves that is an perfect fit for them!
Scroll down for some key focal components of the project:

I don’t know what I’m doing.
navigation revamp
After analyzing past user activity and combing through content assets across the website (and noting what is missing), a brand-new user flow and site-map navigating users where they needed to go took on form throughout the header and footer of the entire website.
Whether a first-time user learning about SPACE Trailers for the first time, or a returning purchaser buying accessories for their next trip, we aimed to get them where they needed to be quickly with minimal effort.

Streamlining the User Journey
Do I want yellow or blue?
A customized Shopify plugin was refined & developed to walk any user through the process of building a custom SPACE Trailer that fits their specific wants and needs.
In addition, an educational “quick guide” was implemented with basic knowledge that would answer common user questions. A simple click on the info icon by the component name jumps them to the guide below where they can quickly be guided back up to the customizer where they left off.
Still need more info? Each section links out to an in-depth SPACE Trailer Guide we built as well (see next section below).
Important Disclaimer:
I did NOT develop the final Shopify Build & Buy Customizer Plugin that was implemented on the website. However, I WAS the leader in the process of brainstorming, researching, and designing the initial design concept to be implemented for the build & buy customizer plugin. I was also part of the design team that tweaked and gave feedback during testing before the plugin went live.
Space Trailer Guide
knowledge is power (and safety)
Gathering all the knowledge and resources from my initial “trailer education journey” at the beginning of the project, three separate “guides” emerged from the depths of the digital world for users of every level to dive into everything SPACE Trailer related. The below three examples are the primary educational guides put together with the help of the SPACE Trailer team!
SPACE Trailer Education Guides Implemented

quick start guide
Basic fundamental guide that answers most-asked questions from users using the build & buy customizer. (Which stabilizer jacks do I need for a rooftop tent? Which tires are best for off-road terrain? etc.)

space trailer guide
A trailer “options” and components educational guide, this is the full in-depth SPACE Trailer guide. It details all the primary components of a SPACE Trailer and all options and accessories available for you to choose from (and explanations for which activities they would be useful for).

standard features
Compilation of standard specs and features that come on every base model trailer (out of box, no customization required). Also highlights why SPACE Trailers stand out amongst competitor utility trailers!
The bigger the better.
accessories that is….
While the primary product (trailer itself) was built thru a one-page plugin, a general product page template was still required for accessories and general products that could also be purchased through the website.
(Whether in addition to their trailer purchase or returning trailer owners looking to upgrade or replace accessories or parts such as gas cylinders or upgrade wheels).
Get out and travel better! Super lightweight, low-profile, and car-friendly, SPACE Trailers are the perfect utility trailers for hauling just about anything. Whether it’s weekend projects or your next camping trip, you don’t have to leave anything behind ever again!
Ecommerce & Digital Marketing Agency
Benji Goossen (Design, Dev & Photography)
Ken McClary (Dev [Front + Back] & Integrations)